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[tarek] NGinxTest


I've been playing with Lua and Nginx lately, using the OpenResty bundle.

This bundle is an Nginx distribution on steroids, that includes some extensions and in particular the HTTPLuaModule which let you script Nginx using the Lua programming language.

Coming from a Python background, I was quite pleased with the Lua syntax, which feels like a cleaner Javascript inspired from Pascal and Python - if that even makes any sense :)

Here's how a Lua function look like:

-- rate limiting
function rate_limit(remote_ip, stats)
    local hits = stats:get(remote_ip)
    if hits == nil then
        stats:set(remote_ip, 1, throttle_time)
        return false

    hits = hits + 1
    stats:set(remote_ip, hits, throttle_time)
    return hits >= max_hits

Peformance-wise, interacting with incoming web requests in Lua co-routines in Nginx is blazing fast. And there are a lot of work that can be done there to spare your proxied Python/Node.js/Go/Whatever application some cycles and complexity.

It can also help you standardize and reuse good practices across all your web apps no matter what language/framework they use.

Some things that can be done there:

  • web application firewalling
  • caching
  • dynamic routing
  • logging, load balancing
  • a ton of other pre-work...

To put it simply:

Nginx become very easy to extend with Lua scripting without having to re-compile it all the time, and Lua lowers the barrier for ops and developers to implement new server behaviors.

Testing with Test::Nginx

When you start to add some Lua scripting in your Nginx environment, testing soon become mandatory. Pure unit testing Lua scripts in that context is quite hard because you are interacting with Nginx variables and functions.

The other approach is doing only pure functional tests by launching Nginx with the Lua script loaded, and interacting with the server using an HTTP client.

OpenResty offers a Perl tool to do this, called Test::Nginx where you can describe in a light DSL an interaction with the NGinx server.

Example from the documentation:

# foo.t
use Test::Nginx::Socket;
plan tests => 2 * repeat_each() * blocks();
$ENV{TEST_NGINX_MEMCACHED_PORT} ||= 11211;  # make this env take a default value


=== TEST 1: sanity
--- config
location /foo {
    set $memc_cmd set;
    set $memc_key foo;
    set $memc_value bar;
--- request
    GET /foo
--- response_body_like: STORED
--- error_code: 201

The data section of the Perl script describes the Nginx configuration, the request made and the expected response body and status code.

For simple tests it's quite handy, but as soon as you want to do more complex tests it becomes hard to use the DSL. In my case I needed to run a series of requests in a precise timing to test my rate limiting script.

I missed my usual tools like WebTest, where you can write plain Python to interact with a web server.

Testing with NginxTest

Starting and stopping an Nginx server with a specific configuration loaded is not hard, so I started a small project in Python in order to be able to write my tests using WebTest.

It's called NGinxTest and has no ambitions to provide all the features the Perl tool provides, but is good enough to write complex scenarios in WebTest or whatever Python HTTP client you want in a Python unit test class.

The project provides a NginxServer class that takes care of driving an Nginx server.

Here's a full example of a test using it:

import os
import unittest
import time

from webtest import TestApp
from nginxtest.server import NginxServer

LIBDIR = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
                        '..', 'lib'))
LUA_SCRIPT = os.path.join(LIBDIR, 'rate_limit.lua')

lua_package_path "%s/?.lua;;";
lua_shared_dict stats 100k;
""" % LIBDIR

set $max_hits 4;
set $throttle_time 0.3;
access_by_lua_file '%s/rate_limit.lua';
""" % LIBDIR

class TestMyNginx(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        hello = {'path': '/hello', 'definition': 'echo "hello";'}
        self.nginx = NginxServer(locations=[hello],
        self.app = TestApp(self.nginx.root_url, lint=True)

    def tearDown(self):

    def test_rate(self):
        # the 3rd call should be returning a 429
        self.app.get('/hello', status=200)
        self.app.get('/hello', status=200)
        self.app.get('/hello', status=404)

    def test_rate2(self):
        # the 3rd call should be returning a 200
        # because the blacklist is ttled
        self.app.get('/hello', status=200)
        self.app.get('/hello', status=200)
        self.app.get('/hello', status=200)

Like the Perl script, you provide bits of configuration for your Nginx server -- in this case pointing the Lua script to test and some general configuration.

Then I test my rate limiting feature using Nose:

$ bin/nosetests -sv tests/test_rate_limit.py
test_rate (test_rate_limit.TestMyNginx) ... ok
test_rate2 (test_rate_limit.TestMyNginx) ... ok

Ran 2 tests in 1.196s


Out of the 1.2 seconds, the test sleeps half a second, and the class starts and stops a full Nginx server twice. Not too bad!

I have not released that project at PyPI - but if you think it's useful to you and if you want some more features in it, let me know!

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